Saturday 12 April 2014

Lab Rat - Hypno Water


Takemi had  signed up to be a test subject in a genetics experiment to earn a little extra money. However, he was careless and greedy, , so he never bothered to find out what exactly the experiment required. He just thought it meant giving some DNA and going through a survey.

When he arrived, the researchers gave him a girl’s two piece swimsuit and told him to hold on to it.  “Well that’s strange” he thought, but was quickly ushered into the next room before he could dwell on it. He was told to take a shower before the next stage of the experiment. He thought it strange, but did as he was told.

Suddenly, Takemi was startled by a voice coming over the speakers which he hadn’t noticed. Thank you for following your orders. Now please put on the swimsuit”. Takemi thought they were crazy. There was no way he was going to wear women’s clothing! But somehow, with the water still running onto him, he found his hands reached over to the swimsuit and deftly tied the straps like he’d been doing it his whole life.

Takemi felt embarassed at the ill-fitting swimsuit. He didn’t know why he just followed such insane instructions so easily. Then the speakers sounded again, “Point the water at your chest”. He picked up the shower head and did so. It felt really warm and good, but little did he know, it was laced with chemicals designed to make him compliant and feminine.

After a minute, he realised that he was starting to grow breasts! He dropped the shower head in panic, but the researcher said “Relax now Takemi, these changes are good and you will accept them willingly.” Takemi thought the researcher was crazy, if he wanted him to take this without resistance, but he gradually felt a lot calmer and picked up the shower head again.

“Very good Takemi. Now continue your shower, and notice that your body and mind are changing into that of a woman. You will love being a woman and sex as a woman and pleasuring men. You are starting to get aroused at this thought, the way only a woman can. Can you feel it? Yes, of course you can”

As Takemi listened, he began to accept all these things as true. He was feeling so horny, and the warm water only intensified his feelings. His skin became soft, smooth and flawless. His hair grew and his face and bone structure changed to that of a beautiful woman. Meanwhile his organs rearranged inside him, forming a deep womb which felt oh so hot. His hips widened. his waist tightened and his genitalia shrank into a tight pussy which was burning up due to the warmth of the water. He enjoyed it so much, he brought the shower head to his chest again, hoping to increase the size of his breasts, and make his breasts and pussy feel good.

The researchers knew he was ready and turned off the flow of chemicals as one of the male researchers walked into the room. “Now for the next stage of the experiment, Takemi.” “Mmm, I can’t wait”

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